A quick fix

Grape leaf

When Im working on one or two larger projects I sometimes feel the need for a quick project to satisfy my cravings for making AND finishing something. So this week I did just that and whipped up this crochet scarf, using scrap yarn and a beautiful woven stitch of single crochet, chain one.

Scrap Crochet Scarf

This isn’t the first time Ive used this stitch (you can check out my dishcloths here), I like the fabric it makes and the way it looks, a little more stylish than a plain crochet stitch.

I guess since I joined the ends together its technically a cowl (or maybe a snood or an infinity scarf depending on where you are from), but whichever way you look at it, its lovely and warm and cozy!

Scrap Crochet Scarf 3

And boy did it ever use up a good lot of my leftover wool 🙂

It was very useful today in the chilly wind and rain I had to stand in while watching not one, but two early morning games of Saturday soccer. In fact Im fairly sure, as I sit in front of my roaring fire tonight typing this that I have only JUST begun to thaw out! Scrap Crochet Scarf 2

I quickly ducked outside this afternoon to catch the last of the quickly fading light to take these photos and the wind was still blowing everything around:

In other satisfying, but perhaps less permanent projects completed this week, in an unusual half hour where I found myself at home (alone!) and dinner already sorted, I painted some leaves…

I love autumn leaves, and these magnolia leaves lent themselves well as a lovely sturdy canvas. I used some acrylic paint and markers to create these designs, and while they won’t last forever, they were a fun way to use the time I had to unwind at the end of what had been a busy day.

Painted leaves-2

Ok, so maybe I wasn’t entirely alone. I did have a small furry ‘helper’ who couldn’t quite understand what I was doing and why I wasn’t patting him!

Painted leaves 2

I hope your week has been a good one, and for those of you enjoying spring, spare a thought for me as winter fast takes us into her fold and send me some words of the lovely sunshine and greenery you are enjoying at your place please! J xoxo

Oh what a beautiful day…

My Sunday was a lovely day, here’s a summary – in pictures:

Start the day with a little early morning water colour… it was chilly sitting in the shade!img_1848img_1884

My support crew went tree climbing! IMG_1833

Follow up with a hot chocolate and chai to warm up:img_1850

And maybe a little more sketching… she doesn’t look very happy in this photo, but she was, sitting there happily chatting away 🙂img_1865

Back home take a wander in the garden – I made delicious fig and ginger jam last week  – might need to cook up some more before the birds eat them all…IMG_1909

We also have an abundance of grapes, a little later than usual…IMG_1901

And some color here…IMG_1904

and there…IMG_1903

Help Maia decorate the Easter tree (glitter + pinecones!)…IMG_1911IMG_1914IMG_1917

After dinner, time for feet up and work on my crochet… which happily is coming along nicely. No more little ‘design features’ to report 🙂img_1892

And that was my day. Lovely!

What’s happening in your world? ~ J xo


Knitted socks

Easy knitted socks

I’ve finished my socks 🙂

Im so happy with how they have turned out, the colors are beautiful and they are so soft, squishy and warm !Easy knitted socksIf you don’t knit, or haven’t in a long time, I’d recommend giving these socks a try. They are relatively easy once you get your head around how they come together, and using a short circular for the majority of the knitting is nothing short of a miracle tool. All your stitches are held together on one needle with two ends, which means less opportunity for dropped stitches.

As I mentioned in the last post, you can find the tutorial I used – which is really excellent – right here. Thanks Christine, I couldn’t have done it without you!

Xox Janette

The green hornet

Hello and happy Saturday!Doily crochetSo I found a new project to work on, and since I spent most of the first 15 rounds of it watching the Green Hornet (ludicrous – although in fairness I’m guessing a doily crocheting 40 year old mother of two is hardly the target audience!), I’ve decided that’s a good name for it 🙂

Doily crochet 4It was a bit dull here (late) this afternoon so I wandered around the garden snipping here and there in a bid to brighten my photos up a bit. There were a surprising number of flowers in bloom. Not much I can do about the shadows though.

The doily pattern is called Summer Splendor, its working up easy enough (read not too much concentration required – perfect for trashy tv and and the rugby world cup!). I’m using Milford satin in 2 ply and a 2mm hook. I just hope there is enough cotton left in the ball – I think I’ve got 8 rounds to go. It’s looking like its going to need some serious blocking to get the fans to stand out.Doily crochet 5Thank you to everyone who left such lovely comments about my sketchbook. I find sharing crochet generally very easy (maybe because its the yarn and stitches that are really on show), but sharing what I have drawn is strangely more intimate and I was very nervous about it. I would never show my doodlings to someone who visited me at home for instance. Anyway, thank you for being so sweet – you made me very happy 🙂

J xox

In my sketchbook

Well my navy blue crochet top is officially in the naughty spot. It’s been a bit hit and miss, love the color and the yarn, but the pattern has been a bit less intuitive than I like… earlier in the week while crocheting in front of the TV I messed up and didn’t realise for quite a few rows (read nights) so had a major unravel to get back to where the mistake was. Then last night when I was admiring my handiwork (most of both sides now finished) I realised I’ve used a bigger hook on this section than I began the garment with. Gah.  Unravel? Continue and pretend I didn’t notice? Ignore it for a few days/weeks/months??  I’ll report back soon.

So I thought I’d share something that I do enjoy working on at present, my sketch book…sketchbook36I have always loved to draw… it is when I feel most at peace with myself.

sketchbook38 sketchbook37 Here are some of my favourite pages…sketchbook21 sketchbook23 sketchbook31 sketchbook32sketchbook20sketchbook28sketchbook29sketchbook30sketchbook25sketchbook26sketchbook33sketchbook24I could spend all day, every day drawing. I wish I did! The last one Ill share with you is this one;sketchbook27A very important message dear friends!sketchbook 40And before I go, a few more shots of that beautiful spring blossom 🙂sketchbook34 sketchbook35sketchbook 41You’re welcome! I feel better already. Now I’m off to find a little crochet project I can work on and complete quickly… xxooxx ~ Janette


Crochet and fabric quilt

Crochet and fabric Quilt 3My mother in law Nola was visiting this week, and brought with her this lovely crochet and fabric creation, which she has just finished…

Crochet and fabric Quilt 2Isn’t it beautiful? And isn’t she clever!

Crochet and fabric QuiltI love that it looks almost antique…

Crochet and fabric QuiltI don’t have an exact pattern to share with you I’m afraid. It came in a quilting pack with all the supplies so I can’t share it here. However if you search online you will find some very similar patterns.

To get you started here’s a good tutorial for making the squares and crocheting them together. The three layer rose is added afterwards when the quilt squares are all joined together… here’s a nice pattern.

Hope you are having a wonderful week! J xox