Weekend crochet…

Navy blue crochet 4Hello! Just thought I would stop by and share my Sunday morning crochet with you.Navy blue crochetNot to mention my beautiful new crochet hook wrap (thank you Nola)…Navy blue crochet 3…. nor the perfectly in bloom miniature Cattleya orchid. I’m very proud of its beauty and abundance of blooms. I could pretend this is due to my wonderful care and attention, but alas I neglected it for a year until last week when I noticed it was in bud and brought it in from the cold to show on our dining room table. Cattleya orchidAnd a few freesias, which smell divine and are popping up all over – giving me hope that spring is indeed here.

A few quiet moments and a cup of tea. Bliss!Navy blue crochet 5Just so you are under no illusions that I am alone, here’s wider view of my table this morning – the children are entertaining themselves creating a miniature theater in the sun πŸ™‚Navy blue crochet 2I hope you have a happy Sunday! J xox

6 thoughts on “Weekend crochet…

  1. Veronica Freimuth says:

    The project that is being worked on is beautiful. I’m sure it will be comfortable and stylish.
    The shade of blue chosen is classic. While the sun is rising, It is nice to sit and drink tea early in the morning. The children seem very happy and the morning is coming along quietly. I hope your Sunday continues to be pleasant. Thank you for sharing your moment.


  2. gentlestitches says:

    How lucky to have creative kids. Mine is too and continues to do so. My boy has been making his friends birthday gifts of carved wooden you tube play buttons. !0 inches by 10 inches and for an ornament. Your children are a delight. I would love to attend their theater production.
    The flowers are lovely and some of my best blooms are the ones I left alone! πŸ˜€


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