Lettuces, life and a new hat…

Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden and decorate your own soul – Luther Burbank.This quote seemed fitting as I was pottering in the garden this afternoon,  contemplating life, planting out lettuces and harvesting greens for a salad to have with dinner.Maybe it’s that spring is only now really making her presence felt, the winter has seemed to drag on so loooong. Maybe it’s that I’ve just had another birthday, or maybe it’s just that there’s so much going on in our life at the moment that there doesn’t seem to be enough hours or days or weeks to fit everything in – but whatever the reason I’m feeling a little unsettled just now. Maybe I could solve the unrest simply by spending more time in my garden. Meditatively weeding, planting and harvesting… as you can see it’s blooming into life after the cold and wet of winter. It has grown into a veritable forest of greenery and daily we are rewarded with it’s bounty.This week I  finished a hat (for me), which had languished much longer on the needles than it should have.Many mistakes were made and it was repeatedly banished to the naughty box only to be pulled out a few days later, frogged back and re-knit. The wool is so soft, I love the colour and as you can see, it is a very pretty pattern. I really love the way it turned out.  However for me, who needed to concentrate to keep track of where I was at, it was not a pattern for mindless knitting when tired, with disruptions or even in front of tv… You can find the pattern here (don’t be put off by me it’s a lovely pattern, truly!).

I’m very glad it’s now done, which might be a sign that I should finish some of the other half finished projects I have lying around! Next time I think I’ll stick to crochet – so if you have a good suggestion for a crochet hat please let me know, as Ive promised Maia a new (winter!?) hat. I’d better get a move on if it’s to be finished before our temperatures move permanently into double digits! xo ~ J


Hello winter

A weekend away; pizza nights; knitting socks and hats; pottery; painting in my sketchbook and winter growing – mushrooms and micro greens… 
Even though it’s dark and more than a little cold, I’ve been busy! What about you, what are you up to? Enjoy your weekend, Ill be busy… making! J xoxo

A quick fix

Grape leaf

When Im working on one or two larger projects I sometimes feel the need for a quick project to satisfy my cravings for making AND finishing something. So this week I did just that and whipped up this crochet scarf, using scrap yarn and a beautiful woven stitch of single crochet, chain one.

Scrap Crochet Scarf

This isn’t the first time Ive used this stitch (you can check out my dishcloths here), I like the fabric it makes and the way it looks, a little more stylish than a plain crochet stitch.

I guess since I joined the ends together its technically a cowl (or maybe a snood or an infinity scarf depending on where you are from), but whichever way you look at it, its lovely and warm and cozy!

Scrap Crochet Scarf 3

And boy did it ever use up a good lot of my leftover wool 🙂

It was very useful today in the chilly wind and rain I had to stand in while watching not one, but two early morning games of Saturday soccer. In fact Im fairly sure, as I sit in front of my roaring fire tonight typing this that I have only JUST begun to thaw out! Scrap Crochet Scarf 2

I quickly ducked outside this afternoon to catch the last of the quickly fading light to take these photos and the wind was still blowing everything around:

In other satisfying, but perhaps less permanent projects completed this week, in an unusual half hour where I found myself at home (alone!) and dinner already sorted, I painted some leaves…

I love autumn leaves, and these magnolia leaves lent themselves well as a lovely sturdy canvas. I used some acrylic paint and markers to create these designs, and while they won’t last forever, they were a fun way to use the time I had to unwind at the end of what had been a busy day.

Painted leaves-2

Ok, so maybe I wasn’t entirely alone. I did have a small furry ‘helper’ who couldn’t quite understand what I was doing and why I wasn’t patting him!

Painted leaves 2

I hope your week has been a good one, and for those of you enjoying spring, spare a thought for me as winter fast takes us into her fold and send me some words of the lovely sunshine and greenery you are enjoying at your place please! J xoxo

Home again and a special package waiting for us!

We’ve spent the last week holidaying in the Coromandel – which is about 2.5 hours away from where we live and on the upper east coast of the North Island of New Zealand…

It’s a beautiful seaside town…

And we spent much time exploring the coastline (The children are seen here crab hunting):

They found some tiny (tiny) crabs…

We even managed some exploring by boat 🙂

Parts of Coromandel are pretty famous

You may recognize this beach – Cathedral Cove – from one of the Narnia movies?

We had lots of walks, especially in the evenings, which even though its getting dark much earlier now, are a lovely way to wind down after dinner.

But it sure was nice to arrive home after a week away.  I love my home and love arriving back from a stay away. There’s something wonderful about returning home.

And that first nights sleep in my own bed.  Heaven!

More importantly, there was a very special package waiting for us when we got home! The children ravaged it open as soon as they were in the door… seems we don’t get much mail these days!

Inside a cute ladybug tin were some special hand painted rocks, which had travelled by mail all the way from Berlin, Germany. The lovely Julius had seen our earlier posts about our rock painting endeavours and suggested to his mum Carina, that we could exchange rocks… which of course we were very excited to do!

There was also some gorgeous self striping sock yarn in the package, which I was very excited to see. Thank you Carina and Julius!

One thing I love about blogging is the amazing people you ‘meet’ through shared interests (as an aside nobody in my family understands my love of crafting – my brother often shakes his head and tells me Im an 80 year old woman trapped in a 40 year old’s body!). I have followed Carina and her blog Häkelmonster for the last few (maybe 4 or 5) years and always enjoy seeing what she has been up to. It intrigues me that although we can be half a world apart we can have so much in common, from sock knitting to child raising and much in between.

If you are interested you can read Carina’s post about the rock exchange here and see what our NZ rocks look like 🙂

Have you received any exciting mail recently?

Have a lovely week, friends. Janette xx

Holidays and making days

Term one is over and with Easter the holidays have started…

We spent Easter Sunday with family and a trip to the beach. In between eating chocolate that is.

After the second tropical cyclone in as many weeks, the weather was superb, and the beach laden with treasures for the finding.

The children and my brothers made a beach hut over three days. It was a architectural feat and a sight to behold!

It was ALMOST warm enough for swimming. For me it was perfectly warm enough for photography 🙂

There’s been plenty of making taking place now school’s out. The children have been making some very nice mice... these are much tidier than the slime they spent yesterday concocting!

This is a lovely free sewing pattern from Ann Wood, lots of fun and suitably small and cute!

They look pleased with their efforts don’t they?

Billy doesn’t look so happy with his new make… Maia lovingly crafted this finger knitted scarf just for him (matches the mice!).

In other projects at our house, my Hygge is coming along well:

I really enjoy making the cross stitch on crochet. I’ve never cross stitched before, but its very relaxing (once you get the stitches in the right place that is). The single crochet is getting a little mind numbing, but easy to work on in front of the TV after work in the evenings 🙂

What are you working on, any good holiday projects for kids you can recommend?

Mini cats and dogs

I love small things, Ive never been able to resist a tiny… anything.

Im drawn to  miniatures, especially little toys and such, tiny enough to fit comfortably in your hand. In fact I have a whole shelf dedicated to tiny knick knacks – a number of which date back to my childhood.

This weekend I’ve been making tiny crochet pets by Lucy Collin. Ive made many of her mini animals over the last few years, I love them all. The vast majority are free patterns and they are quick and easy to make, all in one, minimal yarn changes and almost no sewing of ends. Always adored, firstly by me and eagerly by my children who always beg and plead for me to make just one more…

No surprises, then that we’ve had 5 new cats and dogs join the family this weekend!

A pug named Petunia, two cats – Shadow and Paws, a Jack Russell named Jackie and a Dachshund (with a green jacket) by the name of Dash…

Perfect little pets, so well behaved and suitably tiny 🙂

Small enough to fit one, or three, in your hand.

And perfect for cuddling up with in bed at night (or slipping into your pj pocket):

Don’t you love that angelic sleeping pose Carter has for the photo?

That’s more like it…

Both he and Maia love them, and even though they are quite un-eastery, Maia has made an Easter movie about them! I can’t upload it onto the blog, but Ill do my best to load it onto the Green Dragonfly Facebook page shortly edited: when someone tech savvy enough helps me do it – I can’t seem to share with the page only my (personal) friends, fb is not in my good books!

The weather has been a bit dire of late, so I’ve also made good progress on my Hygge. Ill pop back in a day or two and share some update photos with you all.

What are you doing for the long weekend? What projects are you working on? ~ J xox