Crochet coaster free pattern

Crochet Coasters Tutorial

Crochet coaster free pattern I’ve had many, many requests for a crochet coaster pattern since I originally posted making coasters because the original pattern seems to have disappeared. If it does pop back up Ill link back to  it, but in the meantime, here’s a quick little tutorial for you to whip up some crochet coasters, for yourself or as a lovely gift!

To make these crochet coasters you will need…

  • DK (8ply) yarn – I like to use a cotton or cotton blend
  • 3mm or 3.5mm crochet hook – use a slightly smaller hook than usual because you want a nice firm fabric.
  • Needle to sew in ends

Crochet coaster free patternFirst up, chain 6 and join to form a ring:Crochet coaster free pattern

Chain 3 (counts as first DC) and DC 19 into the ring (20DC) Join with a SS into the top of the starting chain 3 to complete the round. Crochet coaster free pattern

Chain 3, DC in the next Stitch and Chain 2:Crochet coaster free pattern

DC in the next 2 Stitches, Chain 2 – repeat around. Join with a SS into the top of the starting chain 3 to complete the round:Crochet coaster free pattern

SS into the next Chain 2 space:Crochet coaster free pattern

Chain 3, DC, Chain 3, 2DC into the first chain 2 space:Crochet coaster free pattern

2DC, chain 3, 2DC into each remaining chain 2 space – repeat around. Join with a SS into the top of the starting chain 3 to complete the round:Crochet coaster free pattern

SS to next chain 3 space. Chain 3, 7 DC in space:Crochet coaster free pattern

8 DC into each chain 3 space around. Join with a SS into the top of the starting chain 3 to complete the round:Crochet coaster free pattern

Turn over and sew in the ends…Crochet coaster free pattern

Make just one, or a whole bunch. I love crochet coasters!Crochet coaster free pattern

Especially when accompanied by a cup of tea and a good book!Crochet coaster free pattern

Have a lovely weekend everyone! J xox

73 thoughts on “Crochet Coasters Tutorial

      • lindamkeefe says:

        Is it possible to give me an idea of how to make bowl to g go with coasters? I knit but new to crochet. I’m doing ok with coasters
        Love the pattern
        Thank you for it
        I can crochet the Biron bur how do I make the sides of bowl?


    • Joanne says:

      Just started a new job as a customer service administrator and my desk is looking a bit bare and boring. Just knocked out one of these to brighten up my desk and to protect from drinks and spillages! One question, would it go through a laminator so I’d just have to wipe clean rather than machine wash?


    • Dottie says:

      Love these…so fluid and easy and pretty. Making a quick set for my neighbor for Christmas which is in 10 days. I just did a bunch of mats for a pet shelter and a member of a prayer shawl group. Love stitching! Thanks…


  1. HannahDavis says:

    These are in my opinion the prettiest crocheted coasters I’ve ever seen. Thank you for posting the pattern! I might make some of these for Christmas gifts — maybe along with a cute mug and some chocolate!


  2. Andrea Meltom says:

    Your work is lovely. Thank you for sharing the patterns.
    Could you share the pattern for the beautiful apricot color scarf you show in progress at the top of site?


  3. Gayle says:

    I like them have never crocheted this is going to be my first project So I can only find 1 ply 2 ply 4 ply or 6ply if you make them with one of these what size hook do I need can u email me at reinholtzg at yahoo thanks


    • Janette says:

      Hi Gayle, the coasters won’t turn out well with that ply yarn (any of them) I’d suggest you get either and 8ply or 10 ply (worsted) weight yarn. Good luck!



  4. dezertsuz says:

    Thank you. That looks like something I could do one at a time that wouldn’t aggravate the carpel tunnel. I really miss crochet!


  5. Jenjie says:

    Fab, easy pattern, thank you :). I’ve been looking for a coaster pattern and stumbled across this one. I’ve completed one in my lunch break at work, can’t wait to take it home and try it out.


  6. Meenakshi says:

    Hi Janette,
    Lovely pattern. I tried it out, but it didn’t come out flat — it got kind of bunched up, and it’s very tight at the center. Basically it won’t lie flat. Any idea what I could have done wrong? I wonder if my tension was too tight at the beginning…? I used a 3.5 mm crochet hook and Worsted Red Heart Super Saver Wool #4 — was the wool too thick? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks. Love your site!


    • Janette says:

      Once you have the bottom just a round or two bigger than the coasters, you simply keep working in rounds until it is the desired height (don’t increase or decrease), you can make it a little tighter near the rim by decreasing a coulee of rounds before you finish. good luck!!!



  7. Jeri Bailey says:

    I love the colors you picked.

    Please post the pattern for the bowl container for your beautiful coasters. I want to make some of these for Christmas gifts.


  8. Kayla says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful coaster pattern. They make such lovely gifts. I’ve also used larger hooks to make several larger coasters to use as doilies under some of my smaller potted plants.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Joyce says:

    Thanks so much for your pattern! It’s getting to that time of year to have some quick gifts ready for the holidays. Yours is one of the loveliest I’ve made, also so quick and easy!

    Liked by 1 person

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