Oh what a beautiful day…

My Sunday was a lovely day, here’s a summary – in pictures:

Start the day with a little early morning water colour… it was chilly sitting in the shade!img_1848img_1884

My support crew went tree climbing!Ā IMG_1833

Follow up with a hot chocolate and chai to warm up:img_1850

And maybe a little more sketching… she doesn’t look very happy in this photo, but she was, sitting there happily chatting away šŸ™‚img_1865

Back home takeĀ a wander in the garden – I made delicious fig and ginger jam last week Ā – might need to cook up some more before the birds eat them all…IMG_1909

We also have an abundance of grapes, a little later than usual…IMG_1901

And some color here…IMG_1904

and there…IMG_1903

Help Maia decorateĀ the Easter tree (glitter + pinecones!)…IMG_1911IMG_1914IMG_1917

After dinner, time for feet up and work on my crochet… which happily is coming along nicely. No more little ‘design features’ to report šŸ™‚img_1892

And that was my day. Lovely!

What’s happening in your world? ~ J xo


In my sketchbook

Well my navy blue crochet top is officially in the naughty spot. It’s been a bit hit and miss, love the color and the yarn, but the pattern has been a bit less intuitive than I like… earlier in the week while crocheting in front of the TV I messed up and didn’t realise for quite a few rows (read nights) so had a major unravel to get back to where the mistake was. Then last night when I was admiring my handiwork (most of both sides now finished) I realised I’ve used a bigger hook on this section than I began the garment with. Gah.Ā  Unravel? Continue and pretend I didn’t notice? Ignore it for a few days/weeks/months??Ā  I’ll report back soon.

So I thought I’d share something that I do enjoy working on at present, my sketch book…sketchbook36I have always loved to draw… it is when I feel most at peace with myself.

sketchbook38 sketchbook37 Here are some of my favourite pages…sketchbook21 sketchbook23 sketchbook31 sketchbook32sketchbook20sketchbook28sketchbook29sketchbook30sketchbook25sketchbook26sketchbook33sketchbook24I could spend all day, every day drawing. I wish I did! The last one Ill share with you is this one;sketchbook27A very important message dear friends!sketchbook 40And before I go, a few more shots of that beautiful spring blossom šŸ™‚sketchbook34 sketchbook35sketchbook 41You’re welcome! I feel better already. Now I’m off to find a little crochet project I can work on and complete quickly… xxooxx ~ Janette



ToadstoolsLacy crochet mittensToadstools 4 Autumn leaves 2015 Watercolor toadstools 4Red toadstoolLacy crochet mittens 2Toadstools 3 Watercolor toadstools 2 Watercolor toadstoolsWatercolor toadstools 3There’s been lots of toadstools and mushrooms out in the past week or so, I keep spotting them when I’m out on my rambles. Our current wet yet still pretty mild winter seems to be encouraging them… and me! I especially like the red and white ones so it’s no surprise these toadstools have found their way into my sketchbook this week. Ive made some more mittens for Maia (and an as yet un-photographed hat for Carter – he’s pretty hard to pin down for photos these days. Ive also done some more work on my red shawl, which I think is about the right size now for a pretty edging… any suggestions? What are you working on this week? What’s inspiring you?

J – xox

PS> I should have mentioned that the crochet mitts Maia is wearing are ones I mentioned a little while back, Im planning on posting a pattern sometime soon šŸ™‚

This weekend…

Home is where your story begins Carters magic eraser Carters rocket Bran muffins Carter's morning teaOwl WIP bead coastersbead coasters 2crochet hexagonMaia water coloring Carter painting3 2014Carter painting 2 3 2014Maia braidsAt home this weekend, it was a bit of a stormy one = lots of time spent indoors… the magic yes/no eraser, ask it a question, any question (well one with a yes or no answer)…. Carter’s rocket… bran muffins with homegrown grapes and raspberries, the perfect morning tea for busy boys… an owl coloring page I’m working on, Ill be sharing soon… bead coasters (so like a granny square)… crocheting daisy puffagons (pattern here)… girl painting (watercolor fairies) vs boy painting (acrylics and spider webs)… pretty milkmaid braids… How was your weekend?? xo J

Tiny autumn painting and giveaway winner

Here’s a closer look at the tiny autumn watercolor and pencil painting I finished recently… its going to replace my summer one for a little while. Tiny autumn painting 2I’m not 100% happy with it, so may have a re-do this weekend… but Maia has some other fun crafts lined up which she has been wanting to do for a while now, so we shall see how much I get done.

These paintings are only tiny, just big enough to sit on a miniature easel on my kitchen shelves… its tough to get enough detail into something so small. Nope, my office hasn’t had a tidy up yet!

Autumn mini paintingThank you for all your amazing comments recently, I really cant say enough about how special they are and how lucky to feel to have such a supportive community of like minded people around me.

So without further ado…. the winner of the washcloth and soap set is: Claudia.

I wish I could give something to every single one of you! Claudia, Ill be in touch, so keep an eye on your email! Janette xox


Tiny birdhouse painting

A while back I found this tiny easel, and today I created a teeny little watercolor and crayon painting just the right size to display on it…

I think it will live in the kitchen… on the shelves:

Birdhouse paintngHope you are having a creative day! Jxx