Zig zag crochet cushion

How’s your week going? Mine seems to be flying by, school is back, but four days in and I’m over the whole morning routine already. Between 7 and 8am time seems to race while the children actually seem to move backward – despite waking the whole house by 6am.

Thinking up nutritious lunches and getting them ready seems to be my biggest sticking point. As if its not enough to actually get something decent in their lunch boxes, we have this nude food matter to contend with – any food that goes to school must be stored in recyclable containers. I wholly agree (in principal) but maybe should just start packing lunches the night before when my brain is still functioning, and not in the early hours of the morning when I have no ability to reason with our container cupboard. It has a mind of its own, when I open the door every manner of container comes rushing out to meet me – and there never seems to be a lid to match the container I want. Pairing this with a rushing clock, and deciding on what fruit/cracker/yoghurt/sandwich combo will make today’s menu…. then fit in the available receptacles makes it all too hard! And Ive still got 10 weeks to go. Sob!  Bring back the holidays!

Any lunch box/morning management tips you’ve got please send them through.

Anyhoo… I’ve got a crafty make to share:Crochet cushion free pattern I spotted this lovely cushion over at Solstrikke. And wanted one of my own.Round Crochet cushion free patternYou can find the free pattern here.Crochet cushion free patternIt’s very simple, and quite ingenious… the ripple pattern is worked up as a tube, then you sew the top and bottom together over a round cushion form, and voila! Crochet cushion free patternOne beautiful round  zig zaggy crochet work of art!Crochet cushion free patternI think Im going to have to make another…

What are you working on? ♥J xxxxx

74 thoughts on “Zig zag crochet cushion

  1. Queen Lynnee says:

    Hi J, love your entertaining description of a school morning. Imagine if you’re like me a schoolteacher with children as well. Then, you really have to practice what you preach! Just wrap their lunches in anything biodegradable that you can lay your hands on. Banana leaves come in quite useful! Then they can simply throw them into the school compost bin. Queen Lynnee


    • Janette says:

      I cant imagine! Banana leaves… now that’s something I hadn’t thought of. I have some pandan (g?) leaves in the freezer, I wonder if I could try those!!!!


  2. dominiquemitchell2012 says:

    Love it! What a brilliant find. I also love the the wood pannells with the lyric on it. My gran used to sing me that song when I was younger 🙂
    Anyhoo, I love the cushion and im desperate to attempt something like it but make it a beanbag!


  3. annamariefield says:

    Hi There, What a beautiful cushion!!! I definitely WILL make one for myself!!! Just gorgeous!!! Don’t have to the lunch box thing anymore but I do remember going through the same emotions!!!!LOL!!!Have a great weekend!!!


  4. gentlestitches says:

    OMG!!! I should not have clicked here. LOL. This pattern is begging me to have a go and your cushion is just pure retro crochet heaven!!! I can’t imagine where I think I will get the time for this. 🙂 ps.


  5. Amy says:

    Your pillow is fabulous. I homeschool my kids now, but when they were going to regular school they had containers that were bought just for their lunches. I think most of them came from Ikea…they had neat colors & shapes…so I could grab them while yet bleary eyed. Working on right now? An afghan for my nephew. It is oval & looks like a race track. I have cars & trucks to applique on when I am done. Also baby booties for a friend. After looking at that neat pillow, I might add that to the list also! Thank you.


  6. Mónica says:

    Lindo cojín.
    ” ♬ ♩ ♫… you are my sunshine, my only sunshine…you never know dear how mush I love you…, please don’t take my sunshine away…♬ ♩ ♫”
    Le cantaba esa canción a mis hijitas cuando eran bebés.


  7. lucindalines says:

    Beautiful cushion. I can’t believe you are already in school. We don’t start until the 19th in either state of the Dakotas. Also the lunch packing thing is interesting. My grandmother was the school cook for many years, so we were always eating the school food, until of course the time, I ate in my room to get an extra quiet time as a teacher.


  8. shantierfranklin says:

    Rubbermaid has containers that are stackable. The lids attach to the bottom of the container and save a lot of space. I can really understand what you are going through. I had to do the same thing when I was taking my infant son to day care. Waking up at 5 in the morning making bottles was getting out of hand. I started making them at night. It makes a huge difference when you know you have and extra 20 minutes in the morning to get other things taken care of.

    I actually saw that pattern the other day and planning on making a few of the for myself and my children. For my wip, I am working on the Top-Down Shawl (Corrected Pattern) and it can be found on the Red Heart website.


    • Janette says:

      Im thinking I do need to go through the cupboard and clean it out and stock it up with useful containers that actually have lids, maybe stackable ones would help! Its a good idea to start making the lunches at night too (but not leave it till I’m so tired it doesn’t get done) x


  9. Brenda H. says:

    I love it! The color combinations are endless. Thank-you so much for sharing and pointing us to the free pattern. I’m smitten. Will be making mine soon!


    • Janette says:

      There has been quite a bit of cuddling with the cushion, although I have to say more rolling around… Look Mum it’s a ball, and look Mum it’s a wheel… Ah well at least they like it!


  10. mrsbrownmakes says:

    I love this cushion, must make one. I thought it would look great as a floor cushion too – I’m guessing you’d just need to increase the starting chain/number of points in the zigzag to make it bigger?


    • Janette says:

      Yes it would makea lovely floor cushion, I guess you’d just make the starting chain longer and have more petals to make a bigger cushion… If you figure it out let me know! Jxx


  11. shewhisperswords says:

    Beautiful hun!!! My little girl would completely flip out. I just finished a match and trash session with my containers to search out bowls with no lids and vice versa. I used a square container we had to hold the lids and organized them by shape and size. I’ll be posting on my blog later this afternoon with pictures if it will help any. If it means anything, I admire what your school system is doing very much. I wish ours would. I also pack lunches and bookbags the night before. The kids have to lay an outfit out as well. I am not good with early morning chaos, so I get up at 5:30 and then wake mine up at 6:15. By then I’ve had two cups of coffee, doublechecked backpacks and most of the time I’ve tossed lunches in them and put the bags by the door or in the car. Anything to make the morning run smoother and faster.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Jenny says:

    I’m working on a chevron blanket at the moment, for a baby, but it would work really well with your cushions. I love chevron patterns at the moment.


  13. bakingaitch says:

    Gorgeous cushion and reassuring to know that container cupboards are the same the world over. I have a container drawer which also homes any piece of plastic kitchen equipment and cake tin we can’t find a home for. My husband regularly can be found there holding a box, scratching his head and saying, “Can you find me a lid for this???”


  14. Ashley Dawkes says:

    Hi there! I really love this pattern but the link to get it doesnt seem to work anymore 😦 Do you think you can give another link so that I could try and make this gorgeous cushion? Thank you!


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