First tooth fairy visit

We had our first ever visit from the tooth fairy last night. The prospect of the upcoming visit was very exciting… so exciting we were up at 1.50am checking if the tooth fairy had been (by we I mean Maia had her light on, and I was scrambling around half asleep turning lights off and tucking her back under the covers with comments about it being the middle of the night and threats to ensure we weren’t tempted to turn the light back on at some ungodly hour again).Maia's missing toothHere’s the teeny note (complete with tiny envelope) left by our local tooth fairy Columbine Shimmer – Tooth Fairy Team Leader of the Hamilton Tooth Department (if you click on the photo it will enlarge it and you can read what Columbine had to say!).Letter from the tooth fairyMy baby is growing up, and that smile is going to become a whole lot more toothy real soon!Maia smiling

13 thoughts on “First tooth fairy visit

  1. gentlestitches says:

    The tooth fairy is one of the nicest fairies of all. What a beautiful little girl and how grown up she is getting now she is loosing her “baby” teeth! 🙂


  2. Carol Pina says:

    How cute! I have so many memories of the tooth fairy coming to visit my kids and my grandkids, now I have two great grand children and I hope I am here to see their first tooth fairy visit. love Carol


  3. annamariefield says:

    Hi Janette, I love that beautiful smile with it’s small little gap!!! So cute!!! And such an important message from the Tooth Fairy!!! They do grow up far too quickly so enjoy these special moments!!! Have a happy weekend!!!


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