Coming off the hook…

Do you find that sometimes you just cant stop with the crochet? Well I do. Right now I’m crocheting every spare second… and I have at least 3 projects on the go and another in mind, which, lets face it, I’ll probably start today.Crochet slippersIf you were on Facebook on Monday you will have seen that Carter was unwell so we spent the day home together. It was actually a nice day, lots of cuddles and playing, plus some watercolor painting which we both enjoy. I also whipped him up some simple crochet slippers, just the thing for dreary days, and sick boys. And perfect for feet up watching tv kind of afternoons!Crochet slippersIf I get organized I’ll share the simple recipe for them later this week, I’ve made plenty of pairs of slippers in the last 5 years but  keep coming back to these ones for ease of use and staying on ability.

Tapestry woolOur lovely neighbor Stephanie recently gave me a big bag of tapestry wool skeins, only small pieces but in a gorgeous range of colors. I was unsure what to do with them, but in the meantime they have become our dinner table centerpiece which warms my heart!WoolFor some reason reading that they are moth resistant makes me laugh 🙂 I’ve started making mini two-round granny squares and joining them as I go. I think I know what I’m making… I’ll keep you posted as it progresses (just so long as I don’t change my mind mid-way, which is a very real possibility!!!).mini granny squareJust in case you missed it, you can find the granny pattern (just use the first two rounds) and join as you go method here.

So now I’m wondering, what are you working on?

23 thoughts on “Coming off the hook…

  1. Jayde-Ashe says:

    I need a pair of these granny slippers! I love the colours of the wool in these pictures, perfect thing to brighten up a grey day. Fantastic idea to use them for a centrepiece! I haven’t attempted crochet since my creative days in my mid teens, but looking at these photos I might just have to pick it up again 🙂


  2. Alessandra says:

    beautiful colours!!!! lovely to see these cheerful crochets in a grey day like today!!!!
    hope Carter is well now!
    I’m working on some granny triangles for Lucy at Attic24!!!
    xxxxxx Ale


  3. Jacki says:

    Thank goodness for that I thought I had some hook addiction problems but its all normal Yay! Ps I love reading your posts


  4. silverblackbird says:

    Great slippers! I’m having a crochet week too, there must be something in the air 🙂 I’m working on a rainbow baby blanket in the background, as it were, but I’ve almost finished an amazing bag, and last night I whipped up a stripy sunglasses case for Father’s Day. It’s been a good week!


  5. gentlestitches says:

    Lovely slippers and thanks for the “as you go” pattern for rug. The mini squares are lovely.
    I am making a Cheshire Cat, just finished a family of very sweet pigs, have a wrap and a cardigan “on the go” and of course always have koala’s coming along. 🙂


  6. lovelucie1 says:

    Love the colours of your rainbow blanket. I will hopefully arrive home to a delivery of coloured yarns to start my ‘not the averagecrochet’s’ CAL strippy blanket. As well as that I have a cushion I’m currently working on and some twine storage baskets. And that is just the crochet.
    Have to complete my dad’s fathers day card tonight!


  7. Jules says:

    Love the colours of your squares, is there any chance you can quickly let me know how you join as you go, looked at your other page but cannot quite work out how to do this with only using two rounds. Got shelves of wool of many colours and they would make a lovely toy blanket for my little lady. Thanks. Jules


  8. heather says:

    I love the idea of the centerpiece…bright, cheery and crafty! 🙂

    And I would love your slipper pattern. I’ve made others as well, but they are futzy and kind of girly. My Aunt has always made the kids knit slippers that they love (except for the yarn she uses) and now they’ve all grown out of their last batches! 😦


  9. jenpedwards says:

    I love the slippers!! And I so know what you mean about multiple projects going! Yikes! It’s crazy around here! Heading to Facebook to “friend” you.:)


  10. shelleleathem says:

    What aren’t I working on…like you I always have a couple of projects on the go! Lots of flowers, a wrap for holidays and a new blanket at the moment 🙂
    I love youlittle boys slippers 🙂


  11. handmademummy says:

    I know what you mean about being addicted to crochet, my little 3 month old has just discovered the delights of daytime sleeping so I have been going crazy making him fun hats. I’ve just finished one so am now on the hunt for the next pattern to try, maybe it will have to be the slippers!


  12. susanklement says:

    Wow, if I ever had only 3 or 4 projects going at a given time, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. I usually have around 10 things going! Usually only 3 or 4 are really active, but I like to have projects in a wide range of progress. That way, for instance, I never *have* to go from finishing something to starting from scratch, which just sounds depressing to me. Plus, I can grab what I have room for when I am out and about, and have big things to work on at home in the evenings.


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