At home…

My focus this week has definitely been at home.  As you will probably recall Maia was sick last week, and since then Carter and yours truly have both been struck down with the dreaded lurgy (do you all know what that means, or is a New Zealand only phrase????). We have been sick, well Carter still is. Literally the only one still standing is my husband and he is almost bathing in hand sanitizer in an effort to stay bug free! So to say the least we haven’t been out much, and I can only hope that with spring firmly taking hold we can put our winter ills behind us and things will pick up health-wise.

Before it all turned to custard (another NZ euphemism?) this weekend, we put in a family effort and wallpapered the newly renovated (was baby room/Carter’s old room) spare room.  I’m in love with the print – I have a thing for glorious big wall paper prints like this, I think they really transform a room.  Although it’s looking a little bare, I think I need to bring out a collection to display on the blanket box. We also made a new headboard for the new bed (it’s one of these), using plywood and covering it with left over wall paper. The room has come together beautifully… The other neat thing about the room is that now we have a fold up bed, it means we will be able to put the space to use when its not occupied. I’m thinking sewing room, the kids are thinking play room and Paul is thinking media room. Watch this space!

In another home fix up this week we improved the art corner. One of my parenting ‘philosophies’ is that I believe the children should always have access to creative tools to enable them to create whenever the mood strikes.  So right in our dining room there is a little corner where we keep a ready supply of arts and crafts supplies. I’ve been dreaming of a little peg board to reorganize our craft area for some time, and this weekend my handy husband knocked one up for me 🙂

We need to take a trip to the hardware store and pick up a few more hooks, but as you can see its already revolutionized the children’s crafting space (I’ve never seen it so tidy!). Fortunately this photo doesn’t give away the big pile of cereal/food boxes which I store under the table (perfect for all manner of houses, boats, cars, trailers, robots….). I don’t have a plan for tidying those up.  Yet.

On the outside (just) the garden is a bloom with spring…  These flowers have all popped up in my ‘vege’ garden, making such a beautiful show.

Because Ive been a bit under the weather (three in one post- not a bad effort) the tomatoes and beans are still waiting to be planted, but I’m loving that these self seeded violas have managed to thread their way up through the parsley and lettuce. Finally, Ill leave you with this stunning purple acquilegia (again, I can take no credit- its self seeded too). Take care xx

8 thoughts on “At home…

  1. susan west says:

    excellent idea …your little craft corner ….good luck on your sewing room…maybe a combination room would work…happy days to you.


  2. silverblackbird says:

    Good idea with the craft corner 🙂 Oh, look at all your flowers…we didn’t get that many all year because of the appalling weather – and the slugs. There are still a few determined nasturtiums struggling along but I’ll be surprised if they make it through another frost. Love your acquilegia – they’re one of my favourites! Oh, and I don’t know about the rest of the world but we have ‘the lurgy’ in the UK too!


  3. wendy says:

    Yep Oz has lurgy and custard lol. But I do really hope you ALL are feeling heaps better
    every second. Good luck to hubby too. Sewing room yes. Craft corners are great, my
    four loved theirs, but they are now all over 28 lol.


  4. Nice piece of work says:

    South Africa has lurgy and custard, too. Sorry to hear you’ve all been sick, how rotten. I hope you all recover quickly 🙂
    Your whole house and garden look amazing, so organised!!! and wallpaper, too!!! I hope you’re giving yourself a chance to get a bit of a rest?


  5. gentlestitches says:

    It looks good and I believe you are right about having a space to create. My boy is 12 and he and his friends have always had easy access to art materials and he is always working on something creative. Aussie land has lurgy,s too!


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