Rosy tea cosy

crochet tea cosyHow’s your week going? It’s been a mixed bag here… wet one minute, sunny the next, then gale force wind the next.  My poor garden is taking such a beating.  It was, you might remember, the first week back at school after the holidays this week. Maia enjoyed her first two days back only to awaken in the middle of Tuesday night with a sore tum. The poor  girl picked up what turned out to be a really nasty tummy bug. So for her its been a pretty miserable couple of days, she went back to school today of her own accord (I tried to convince her it really wasn’t necessary but she really wanted to go)… I guess I should be happy she loves school so much!

crochet tea cosyOn a brighter note, I made this tea cosy for a friend who celebrates a birthday this week.  It turned out well, I think, I hope she likes the colors!

crochet tea cosyIts just a plain old tea cosy, all half double crochets… the beauty comes in the decoration.  But the difficulty with sharing a tea cosy pattern is not in the construction, but that you need to make it to fit your tea pot… and no two tea pots are the same.  In saying that, I feel a bit mean showing off this crochetlicious-ness and not providing ‘a how to’… sooooo if you would like me to, Ill give a tutorial a go?  Let me know! Tootle pip xx

crochet tea cosyEdited: You can now find the free crochet tea cosy pattern here.

29 thoughts on “Rosy tea cosy

  1. all4meggymoo says:

    I do hope lil un is feeling better, there are some nasty bugs going around of late!
    love the tea cosy its so pretty.
    Im really not enjoying this mixed bag of weather I never know what to wear!


  2. Lorraine says:

    so, so so cute!!! I am a pattern follower. Hard to tell what the top part looks like. Are the flowers sitting on the cozy or just linked together themselves?

    So pretty and so whimsical 🙂


  3. Irene says:

    Yes please, I would very much appreciate knowing how you made that work of art!
    I do hope Maia is feeling much better – she’s such a sweetheart 🙂


  4. Havok says:

    Very pretty! I’ve yet to come around to making a tea cozy, but keep seeing them all around, and they always make me want to do one up! Very good colour choices, colourful flowers with the dark body 🙂


  5. angastran says:


    I live in New Caledonia and I was looking for a tea cosy pattern on the Internet ( we French do not use tea cosies so there aren’t any in our knitting books) when this machine came up with yours. It is really nice.
    Congratulations and thank you for letting us see it.
    Where can I get the pattern?

    Best regards



    • Janette says:

      Hello, Im actually just working on a tutorial for it, I should have it posted in the next couple of days- so check back soon (or subscribe to the site and you will get an email when I post it). Janette xx


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