It’s just a…

When I finished this wrap not too long ago and posted the pattern details I got a number of disappointed comments saying the pattern was too difficult to read because it was in Japanese… so because I love you guys and I had enough of the wool left over I decided to make another just like mine to give away to one of you, my lovely readers.

Its a beautifully soft light shawl, very lacy, yet surprisingly warm… perfect for cool spring evenings or autumn days.

This giveaway is open to ANYONE ANYWHERE in the world, and Ill draw the winner on Sunday October 14, 2012.

To Enter: {{This giveaway is now closed}}
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Good Luck xx

79 thoughts on “It’s just a…

  1. Michelle M. says:

    Absolutly Beautiful and in my favorite color too.
    I am a subscriber via email, I facebooked it, liked you on your facebook page and posted on Pinterest and forwarded your email to serveral of my friends. Thanks.


  2. Lara says:

    This is beautiful, I love the ethereal colour and floatiness. And I was sent here by Jill .. so the re-posting & blogging is working. Now off to investigate the rest of your blog, and do a little posting myself ~ Lara


  3. wendy says:

    Very pretty shawl, have you on my blog and facebook liked ☺
    But more than happy to just spread the word.
    I must say I loved the little doll you made your daughter too.


  4. Threadbare and Thrifty says:

    What a beautiful shawl in such a gorgeous colour. Just perfect for a Spring night in the Waikato. 🙂 I already follow your blog and have liked your page on facebook although the link in your post didn’t work. I had to search for you.


  5. Alessandra says:

    Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful!!! I think I can wear this gorgeous shawl both at home or is some malls here in JK : the ACs are always around 18-20 ˚C, so….I really need it!!
    Thank you, happy weekend, xxx Ale


  6. craftgirl78 says:

    Hi I have been following your blog for a while now and have been admiring your shawl since you posted about it! I have shared your giveaway on FB (both my timeline and my page), tweeted it and re-blogged, and have also liked your FB page!


  7. Marybeth P. says:

    I am a shawl junkie and it’s gorgeous. I already follow you and have you on facebook and you know I spread the word with all those granny purses I made for my students ;o)


  8. Julie Rosemary says:

    I love the shawl, I am only just learning to crochet, at the ripe old age of 66, I’m having trouble just getting the wool to wind around my fingers properly! You are very generous with your give away, if I ever get to your standad, I could;nt bring myself to do it!


  9. Irene Thibodeau says:

    Gorgeous shawl, beautifully made. Its very generous of you to offer this giveaway, I know the winner will appreciate your time and your talent. I have been following by email and clicked like on facebook for your site.
    Thanks again for all you do.


  10. carine says:

    Your giveaway shawl is so beautiful: nice color and lace. I hope to be the lucky one. It would be perfect for autumn as it is already chilly and rainy.
    I also follow your blog on google reader.
    Thanks a lot.


    • Nicky says:

      This is a beautiful shawl and thank you so much for the chance to win. 🙂

      I’m a follower of your blog and I’ve also re-blogged your giveaway on mine!


  11. Joyce Ellis says:

    How lovely! Thank you for a chance to win. I am a follower and like you on facebook. I love your site and enjoy your emails.


  12. charmaine says:

    Oooo it’s delicious! Beautiful work, well done! Not sure if you would ship to South Africa, but I would LOVE to win this giveaway, and master this pattern someday.


  13. Sandy Kolka says:

    I love the shawl and thanks for giving us a chance to win it. I twetted, I liked you on facebook, I’m a subscriber via email, and I told my niece and sister about your wonderful shawl. Thank you.


  14. Natalie Scott says:

    just beautiful! A shawl is one of those things I’ve been dying to crochet and just have got round to it yet, unlike many of your patterns which I have enjoying making 🙂 following your blog has really inspired in learning to crochet.


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