Randomness and some news

Well it’s the last day of term, which means starting tomorrow there is no rushing to beat the clock in the mornings, and no cutting school lunches (well for the next two weeks at least) Yay! It seems like it has been an extra long term, I think it was the cold and all that rain, I know the children are going to enjoy a couple of weeks at a slower pace.

Here’s a few shots of some of the goings on at our place…

I’ve been spending lots of time getting my garden into shape, now that the weather is slowly warming up flowers are in bloom everywhere – including these beautiful miniature orchids on my deck:

Maia has been building fairy houses again, this one has been erected in our garden. Isn’t the lichen pretty with the flowers?ย  I realized, when I was posting last week about the dinosaur for Carter, that I hadn’t showed you the doll I made recently for Maia… the pattern was from the Molly Makes magazine, and it turned out so cute!

The children have been loving these beads, which you arrange onto a peg board and then lightly iron to melt together. Too bad at least half of them seem to end up on the floor, guess who gets to clean them up?

I made plum jam with frozen plums from the summer bounty this week. Homemade jam is so much nicer than store brought, and homemade in small batches is always nicer than jam that’s been in storage for a year. I also made another bag – this one has a round bottom and holds crochet projects perfectly…

I’ve been working away on another crochet project, and it’s currently blocking. The news I wanted to share is that you might want to check back in a day or two because I’m going to be having a giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚ย  My first one ever. Here’s a clue as to what it is going to be…

Finally, I need some advice, what do you do when your cat is in love with your favourite new cushion?? Each night it’s a race to get to the couch to see who’s going to get the best spot. Last night Billy got there first!

I think this is a battle I’ve got no chance of winning…. Hope you are having a great week!

17 thoughts on “Randomness and some news

  1. Alessandra says:

    Your cat is a winner!!!
    plum jam, a new doll, a new bag….all nice, but what are you blocking right now???? I’m so curious….a lacy scarf/shawl?????????
    Hope to see you soon, xxx Alessandra


  2. carine says:

    Your last picture made me laugh. Thanks. Your cat is so cute on this flower cushion. You just need to crochet four other flower cushions ๐Ÿ˜‰
    The lacy giveaway (a shawl?) looks really great. I look forward to seeing it fully.


  3. rainbowjunkiecorner says:

    Well I suppose your cat’s fondness for the cushion is really a compliment. He looks so comfortable it would be a shame to disturb him. But I suppose you could always keep the cushion out of reach till you want to use it. ๐Ÿ˜‰


  4. Irene Thibodeau says:

    Thank you for sharing your days with us – I look forward to each post to see what you and your beautiful family are up to ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. beberouge says:

    So much lovelyness, I will be keeping my eye out for the giveaway that prize looks oh so pretty. The photo of your cat on the cushion is too adorable, I think he gets to have the pillow for being so darn cute hehe ๐Ÿ™‚


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