
One of my absolute favourite things about blogging is seeing and hearing about your finished green dragonfly projects.

A little while ago Marybeth left me a message letting me know she was making some little granny envelope bags for a group of 7-10 year old girls she has been teaching to knit through 4H in Wheaton, Minnesota in the USA.  Yesterday she sent me through a photo of the girls with their finished bags:

The bags look amazing and the girls’ all look so happy with them!  Well done Marybeth and thank you for sharing this back to me, it really made me my day 🙂 Did you know if you have a photo of one of my project’s you have made, you can always upload it to the green dragonfly facebook page, or email it to me at janettewise (at) Id love to see it and share it with everyone else! Jxo

7 thoughts on “Sharing…

  1. dane says:

    je ne connaissait pas ton blog avant je n’ ai donc pas de photo de tes projets mais comme je suis abonnée a ton blog je le saurais a l’ avenir et je ne manquerais pas de te le faire savoir moi j’ ai pratiquement terminé un projet un sac boule aux crochet le freeform voir mon blog tu pourras me dire ce que tu en pense a bientôt dane


  2. Marybeth P. says:

    Thank you for posting this! It was fun making them all purses and their faces were radiant with delight! I ended up with one extra and they think we should raffle it off among them. LOL I will send it to a girl in need in southern MN that I know. They were fun to make and it helped me use up a lot of yarn I had given to me. But the best part was having students do so well in class that they deserved a special gift. Thank you for shairng your patterns with us. x0


  3. Ana BC says:

    I have 2 projects inpired by you. Actually, it is my aunt who made them, but I will post them in my blog. It is the dress with granny squares. I will send the link as soon as I post them 😉 Thanks for being such an inspiration!!! I love your blog.


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