Crochet Dragonfly

Its been a while coming… but you knew one would turn up sooner or later, right?

Crochet Dragonfly This little guy was flitting around my garden this morning…

Crochet DragonflyIm working on a how to so you can make one if you like, but Ive got a couple of other projects on the go as well… so it might be a few days away. I couldn’t wait though and wanted to share him (or is it her?) with you today 🙂

Crochet DragonflyI cant bring myself to dead head the hydrangeas, I actually love the muted colours… in fact I might go and pick a big bunch to bring inside. Our weather has cooled noticeably in the last few days, the nights are really quite chilly. Sigh…. it would seem autumn is here. I hope your first day of March is a good one, Im sending out lots of love and positive, creative energy! Janette xxoo

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