An easy cardi

I pulled this out recently, gave it a wash and have been wearing it again – I made it last spring…

Easy crochet cardigan free patternI love it and get comments every time I wear it – so I thought I would share.

Its made from the top down and is totally customisable, make it as long or a short as you like and use any yarn that you like. Best of all its a free pattern – you can find it here (on ravelry) or here – look at the free patterns link on the sidebar its called Chevron Lace Cardigan. I made it using this Sirdar yarn- they don’t have the colour listed any more so it may be discontinued, the lady at our LYS talked me into it (even though its a baby knit) and I have to say its gorgeous and has not rubbed up at all despite a lot of wear.

40 thoughts on “An easy cardi

  1. Liz says:

    This cardi is beautiful. Can you believe that I just finished this yesterday?. The exact same one. I made mine without sleeves. I’m hoping to get my pics on Ravelry tomorrow. I was also going to do a blog post on this tomorrow. That’s crazy!


  2. stocki says:

    Nice pattern… not going to attempt this one for another 6 months though…….thanks for the link… I found a couple of other nice things whilst I was there too … have a good week Janette :)x


  3. vintagehomespun says:

    ooh I like it! that’s definitely one for my to do list (it gets longer every day!).
    It’s good when you start wearing a knit again – I did it this summer with a cardigan that had been lounging in a drawer for too long!
    Have a good week, Judy x


  4. Faith says:

    That’s very pretty! The very first ‘big’ project I did was a jumper along the same idea, being keen to get on I used some yarn my mum had given me, not really thinking whether it was suitable or not….my mistake….. I did a good job on the project, but the jumper was not light and Lacey but really heavy and uncomfy….it still lies at the bottom of our blanket box!


    • Janette says:

      Its always a leap of faith (no pun intended!) to start a big project, and its especially terrible when you’ve put heaps of time and effort in (not to mention good money on the yarn) for it not to turn out as you hoped… believe me I know, I have so many half finished things stashed away I dont like to admit it- because I knew they werent going the way I hoped!!!!!


    • Janette says:

      I seriously considered that jacket earlier this year, in fact now I’ve relooked at it I think I will make it for the autumn! Thanks for reminding me! I didn’t say in the post because I wasn’t 100% sure but I think I used a 6mm hook, because I crochet quite loosely that’s why the weave is loose. The pattern gives you a test swatch first so do that and you will see how its gong to look. I think I used 6-7 balls if I remember correctly. Hope that helps!


      • carine says:

        Thanks a lot for your reply.
        I have tried the gauge with a 5 mm hook and I have only obtained 2,25 inches (I crochet tight). I need to buy a 6 mm hook.


      • carine says:

        Maybe you are right about the 6.5 mm hook but I will first buy a 6 mm one as I prefer a clover soft touch crochet/hook. I have seen that knit pro makes double crochets (6 mm at one end and 6.5 mm at the other) but I do not know this brand. I like the design of the Brittany needles hooks but I do not know if they are comfy. Do you have one favorite hook brand?


  5. Filomena says:

    I have known this pattern for a long time but have been reluctant to try it because a lot of projects in the ravelry gallery don’t look very good.
    Yours may have made my mind ;o)
    Is your project on ravelry? I would love to fave it over there, Going to pin it in pinterest too.
    Thanks for the inspiration!


  6. Donna Blissett says:

    I would like to move on to row 2, but I’m not getting the correct stitches the pattern says for ch 62. I keep getting 42 stitches. What did I do wrong?


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