How does your garden grow?

You know the nursery rhyme…

Mary, Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row.

Well my name is not Mary, and not much in my garden grows in rows… but there is certainly lots of growing going on which is pretty exciting!

Lettuces a plenty


LeeksGarlic making progress

GarlicThere’s plenty of celery and the potatoes are getting bigger each day

CeleryA beautiful artichoke baby

ArtichokeStrawberries which I split up and replanted in three new beds are settling in and making progress… those lettuces are all self seeded, a tiny miracle right in my garden.

StrawberriesThere’s also a few of these guys- but they get snapped up pretty quickly!

AsparagusThe Cavelo Nero has gone to seed but the flowers are so gorgeous I cant pull them out.

Cavelo Nero FlowersCavelo Nero FlowerThere is also plenty of borage and calendula brightening the garden (and bringing our friends the bees)

Borage and CalendulaNot to mention lots of self seeded pansy and viola. A row of butter beans…

BeansSome tomatoes just peeking over their shelter… still a bit cold but Im hopeful we will get a few early sweet 100’s from these before the main crop

TomatoThese tomato seedlings are not ready to stay out overnight yet, still a few more weeks in the cozy mini greenhouse on the deck. Ill have to repot them this weekend tho

Tomato SeedlingsIve decided to keep a seasons journal- starting with spring. Here’s what I have so far:

Journal 2Journal 1Journal 3Journal 4Still a bit more pressing to go…

Journal 5My daughter wore those shoes at our wedding, the skirt marker is an amazing invention – a gift from my husbands great aunt, as is the crystal cake stand on the left. I crocheted the stones myself, and everything is sitting atop a Kauri china cabinet which was my Grandparents.  Oops it needs a bit of a dust…

8 thoughts on “How does your garden grow?

  1. Faith says:

    You definitely have green fingers. I have tried this last spring/summer to grow a few things but most things have been disasterous! I have managed a few things but not been great at harvesting at the right time! We had what looked like a small crop of peas, but I picked them late and everyone ate them with long teeth. Maybe I’ll do better next year!


  2. Sonia says:

    I officially have garden envy. I live in a flat, but grew up with an enormous garden, and my dad continues to spend much of his days tending his much smaller, but still lovely vege garden.


  3. Tabby Large says:

    You do have lots of veggies and flower plants on your garden. Soon you’ll have lots of veggies to harvest and food on your table. I am envious for your time and effort for your garden which I don’t have.


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