Pizza night and a bunny

The school holidays are coming to an end this weekend, come Monday we’ll be back to the school/work routines. It’s lovely to take the time together to make some meals a special celebration of the season, the holiday and just being together.

We love a pizza in this family, and now that autumn is here and the evenings are fine but cool, it’s the perfect time for cozying up in front of the pizza oven.DSC_0247Ready to come out…
DSC_0211Maia set the table for us, including picking a bunch of autumnal leaves and flowers and making little place setting name tags…DSC_0215Of course, the pizza was delicious… there are never any complaints about eating dinner on pizza night!DSC_0234And as you might have noticed in the first photo, dessert was also cooked over the open flame – well the marshmallows were anyway 🙂DSC_0255If you follow me on Facebook you might have seen that I recently taught Maia to knit. She picked it up really quickly – I’ve tried and tried to teach her to crochet but it just hasn’t stuck – but she’s taken to knitting like a duck to water…13010748_1170263153026284_6216425662650888505_nDon’t you love the look of concentration?

I found this really easy pattern to make a knitted bunny, which is basically just  a square which you sew up in a triangle to make the head and then along the seam to make the body… that doesn’t make much sense, but  you can find a much better explanation here!

Stuffing the body…DSC_0204And sewing the final seam:DSC_0208Love that tongue!

Here’s the finished bunny, cute huh…DSC_0279Pretty nifty how two of the corners make the ears! Im thinking it would work just as well with a crochet square, and even better if you had a furry yarn. She was very pleased with herself, and I am very proud of her yarny creating 🙂

For me, Im working on sock two of my second pair of socks, this pair is MUCH easier than the first was!DSC_0293This is taken this morning, while having breakfast. Green smoothie and blueberry and apple pancake squares… the raspberries have finally finished for the season.DSC_0295Don’t you love the colors, these self striping yarns are awesome!

What’s going on at your place, what are you working on?

Have a great week everyone!
Janette df

28 thoughts on “Pizza night and a bunny

  1. Lisa says:

    Wow you guys have a pizza oven? how cool is that!!!!!!! I love the knitted bunny that your daughter made! Totally awesome!!!!! Maybe some day crochet will meet her fancy too!

    Happy Autumn wishes friends! I love your font on you name at the bottom of your post with your green dragonfly! Hugz Lisa and Bear


  2. Carol says:

    The little bunny is wonderful! Your daughter is very talented. I have tried to knit many times and just can’t get the hang of it.
    Currently crocheting a mommy cat and kittens for my granddaughter. She would like seven little kittens!!!


    • Janette says:

      Seven! Goodness! Don’t you love how they have these ideas. I’ve made a menagerie of animals for my children too 🙂 Id love to see a photo of them when you are finished? X


  3. Cat says:

    I have used crochet to make the rabbit pattern as I am no good at knitting. It works just as well and you can stuff them with chocalate eggs at Easter. A fun way for a new knitter to start.


  4. gentlestitches says:

    Going by her table setting, Maia is going to be one of those wonderful people who makes everything beautiful where ever she goes with finesse and without fuss.
    I am so DELIGHTED (sorry to shout) she is knitting. I was already feeling happy because i am going to a choral mass this morning but now I feel even happier.
    Well done Maia! Lovely, lovely knitted bunny.
    if she wanted a bit of pocket money she could try a little online shop. I for one would love to buy a Maia bunny. just a thought. I have my son selling things. ❤


    • Janette says:

      What a great idea, I’ll mention it to her tomorrow! She definitely likes everything pretty, but still gets frustrated if she can’t produce something up to her high standards xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • gentlestitches says:

        Tell her in all seriousness that a darning needle can solve most mistakes and I use my darning needle to finish every projects little “imperfections” Also the joy of handmade is that it isn’t perfect. ❤


  5. Teresa says:

    Maia is looking more grown up these days! She is a talented young lady! My daughter learned to knit before she learned to crochet, but I learned just the opposite. I guess it has something to do with how your brain is wired. Tell Maia to keep up the good work and I thought her place settings were very sweet.

    I wish I was there with you. I absolutely LOVE autumn. Here in the southern US it is spring and already blazing hot outside. *sigh*.


    • Janette says:

      They grow up so quickly don’t they! I too find crochet much easier, but loving knitting just now with my socks. Enjoy your spring, I’m not looking forward to winter! Hope it doesn’t get too hot! X


  6. caroleia says:

    what a lovely post am going to pin that bunny pattern! Can I ask what yarn you are using for your socks – the colours are fab!


      • caroleia says:

        thanks Janette they really are! I’ve knit a couple of pairs in Regia which gives a fairisle type design but I’m gonna have a looksee if I can get some of this yarn I really love it 🙂


  7. Trudi says:

    What a lovely atmosphere you have for pizza. The marshmallow biscuits reminded me it’s time we had some. My Guinea pigs are gearing up for their garden party next week and my husband wants the garden fire doing something the kids can safely interact with.
    Crocheting some of your multicoloured ducks and rabbits for the bran tub prizes.

    All my boys are with me because their owners no longer can or want to keep them. Once a year they are invited to visit. Lots of excited pre-owners due for tearful cuddles.


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