Oh oh ah ah

Earlier this week Carter wanted me to make him a monkey pleassssssseeee Mum… As you can see I strongly resisted his request! Crochet monkey free patternFortunately a quick squizz around the internet revealed a number of cute free crochet monkey patterns, but we settled on this tiny monkey from Lucy Ravenscar. And when I finished one, of course I had to make another for Maia…Crochet monkey free pattern I’ve added Lucy to my blog list on the right hand menu, having now made her rabbit, turtle, elephant and monkey patterns, I think she is awesome.ย  All free patterns, these tiny little crochet animals are so quick to make and kids love them… they are just the right size for little hands! Crochet monkey free patternThe beauty of these patterns is that they are all made in one piece, so you don’t have to sew them together. I’m also loving this mouse pattern… and thinking I might have to buy the pattern and make them too!

Hope you are having a fun week! Janette xxxx

15 thoughts on “Oh oh ah ah

  1. gentlestitches says:

    Squeal inducingly cute! Adorable!!! The second my 13 year old boy sees it, he will want one too.Thanks for the pattern link. I love making teeny, tiny animals! ๐Ÿ™‚


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