Twooo cute…

Crochet owl free patternTwit twoo… I’ve been making these extremely cute owls. You can find the free pattern and most excellent tutorial over at Bunny Mummy…  I guarantee you wont be able to stop at one! crochet owl free pattern 2

Smooches ♥ Janette xxcrochet owl free pattern kissing

44 thoughts on “Twooo cute…

  1. Little Miss Ling says:

    These are really way too cute! I love the colours you used too! I’m totally going to follow your blog to motivate me to keep crocheting! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you can give me crocheting tips in the future! =)


  2. Linne says:

    These are seriously cute! I’ll be making some soon myself (as if I need more projects . . .). Thanks for sharing. I’m adding a link to Bunny Mummy’s page on my blog, too. I just love these! ~ Linne


  3. Linne says:

    Gorgeous garden! As I sit here, looking out on a quite bleak cityscape (even if there are a lot of evergreens in evidence), pictures like yours remind me that elsewhere summer is busy beautifying the world and she will return in a few months to do the same here. I miss having a garden. I especially love to mix flowers, veggies and herbs and then to allow whatever volunteers appear to do their thing. I do pull the biggest weeds; no point being greedy, I tell them . . .

    I’ll have to see if any of Mum’s recipes for tomato preserves are still around. We had a bumper crop one year, and so did the neighbours, so we couldn’t even give them away. We sent a visiting aunt home with two suitcases full! Mum and I used to can like crazy, as we put up fruits and veggies for 11 people every summer for several years (and for fewer people before that). I do know you can make jam from them and it’s very good. Do you make pickles? There are tons of recipes that use tomatoes, both green and ripened. ~ Linne


  4. Barbina says:

    Thank you so much for your birthday wishes! You have made me very happy!
    Your owls are soo cute! I have to sit down now and make one too! : )
    Have a wonderful week! xxBarbina


  5. Jessie Figueroa Banda says:

    Preciosos los buhos. Vi los conejitosmucha gracias por compartir tus patrones. Me gustaria ser tu amiga. estoy en faceboock jessie figueroa te dejo mi correo porque esta con problemas.Desde ya gracias por aceptarme.


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