Lacy boot cuffs…

I spotted some crochet boot cuffs somewhere recently, but since its warming up here now its not really the time to be making any…. (although I must admit I am tempted even if I don’t get to wear them much!)

Buuuuttttttttt  I couldnt get the idea of a boot cuff out of my head! Hmmmmm perhaps I could make some out of something lighter.  A quick trip to my favourite emporium rewarded me with three varieties of lace to have a go with… and these are the results:

A pale apricot pair, which I wore today and got lots of compliments with, these are my favourite…

A pretty blue and pale green pair and a rather more risque black pair which Im really not sure I will wear (well certainly not to work anyway)…

ce Boot Cuffs Pattern TutorialIf you would like to have a go at these yourself they are VERY easy, although I’d recommend a sewing machine or over locker (serger) to stop the seam edge from fraying.  I simply cut a strip of a wide lace that was slightly less than the circumference of my calf, and then with right sides facing over locked the seam together…  approximate sewing time for both cuffs?  Less than 1 minute. I whipped these three pairs up before work this morning. Cost? about $2 a pair 🙂

Just remember to choose a wide lace (mine are about 17cm wide) that has a little stretch in it, that way they will stay up… and you wont have to have them so tight that they dig in… hope you are having a happy week Jxx

14 thoughts on “Lacy boot cuffs…

  1. Nice piece of work says:

    I saw furry animal print boot cuffs in Accessorise a few months ago, just before our winter, and they were R350. They kind of folded over the top of the boot, with the furry part on the outside and the inner ribbed lining holding onto the boot. I couldn’t get them out of my mind for ages either — but I think I prefer yours. So brilliant (and I love your brown boots….)


    • Janette says:

      That’s ok I knew what you meant!!! My brown boots are now more than 5 years old, I just had them resoled this winter because they are my absolute favorites… I wear them all the time they are super comfortable 🙂


    • Janette says:

      They are old, I brought them in Wellington about 6 years ago, the labels have long since worn off but I think they were Italian made. I love them too, I had to get them resoled this year, but I think they’ll last another year or two!


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