
I’m feeling a little lonesome tonight, my daughter Maia is away at a school camp. She will be there for three nights, coming home Friday. I am worrying about all manner of (unlikely) things that could happen to my precious nine year old while she is away and so thought a blog post was in order – to distract me from my overactive imagination.

Here’s a little bit of what I’ve been up to…Knitting carters socksIn between sock knitting, yes, still on that knitting jag! I’ve been crocheting small woodland creatures;

A squirrel for Carter, pictured here with much loved lion…
Carter lion and squirrelAnd a fox for Maia…
Maia and foxAnd since its autumn, today is in fact the last day, I’ve also made a few of these cute crochet acorns…Crochet acornsWhich make lovely little necklacesCrochet acorn necklaceAll of these patterns come from Genuine Mudpie, if you’ve been visiting for a while you will know I’ve made a number of Trish’s patterns, always with great success.

What have you been up to? What’s your favorite distraction pastime? J xox

17 thoughts on “Distractions…

  1. gentlestitches says:

    They are all lovely but I have “sock envy” when I gaze apon those blue stripy socks. I bet your wee girl Maia has a wonderful time at camp and does lots of fun activities. It is such a “big kid thing” going to camp. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wild Daffodil says:

    Oh so cute! I love your creations.
    My current distraction technique is aimless collage, tearing up and sticking on with no real intent – I know the collages will eventually turn into something one day – it is SO relaxing whilst listening to a play on the radio.


  3. Postcard from Gibraltar says:

    Oh I know how you feel about missing your daughter. My eldest son had a week away recently with school and I was running all sorts of silly scenarios in my head. Deep down I knew he’d be fine and having a whale of a time – which of course he was, but a Mum’s mind plays tricks on you! I love your little fox! I’ll check out that blog – thanks.


  4. Teresa says:

    I know you are missing Maia, but the days will pass quickly and she will be home before you know it! I remember when my son went to camp when he was nine. Now, he’s almost 20 and that camping trip was just last year!

    Your socks and crochet acorns and little creatures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy fall and upcoming winter. It’s a steamy, humid 93 degrees here.


    • Janette says:

      Thanks Teresa, after tonight only one night to go! I can’t believe she’s nine already, seems like only yesterday she was a baby! Thank you for your kind words xx


  5. Lisa says:

    I don’t know if I can make something that small! You do great work! I really want to learn how to make socks too! I wished I lived near you and you could teach me! Have a super weekend sweetie! Hugz Lisa and Bear


    • Janette says:

      You should give them a try, the tutorial is very detailed, and there is a Facebook page which everyone is very lovely on and they always reply to calls for help! Hope you and bear are well, Lisa xoxox


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