It’s spring…

…but the holiday’s are almost over 😦 Not much to report, it has been blissfully peaceful not racing the clock this week… too bad it has to come to an end.

Here are some pics from the last few days:

You know it’s spring when the daisies are out!!  Where there is water, children will get wet (never mind that it was actually freezing – both in the water and out!)  Lots of mornings have been spent snuggling on the couch, eating breakfast and working on a new crochet project… It’s almost done so I’ll share it with you soon.  Crochet necklace free patternI made a cute crochet necklace, you can find the free pattern here… it really needs to be blocked so the flowers sit flat, but Maia couldn’t wait for that. I actually made it for me! A beautiful Kowhai flower.

We made borage ice cubes… this is a cute project given we have so many of these flowering in the garden right now.  A gorgeous vibrant gazinia.

Have you entered the giveaway yet? There’s still time… it will be drawn on Sunday (NZ time). Thank you for all your lovely comments xxx

6 thoughts on “It’s spring…

  1. Little Wooden Shoe says:

    Looks like it has been a good holiday for you and your family. For us not so much, hubby and I had the flu both in bed for 5 days high fevers and lots of pain, our little man had to stay with grandma and Tuesday spent the night at the emergency. All good today finally walking around feeling human again. Don’t you love the end of season flu that keeps lingering on even though we are on spring already?! ;0)


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