Colourful pasta jewellery

This week we made some fun pasta jewellery…

Pasta Jewellery 1Step 1. Paint your pasta, first up we tried to do this with brushes, but it was difficult and took forever to do one piece.  Instead we just put the paint in bowls added a handful of pieces of pasta and made sure they were all covered (this was the kids favourite part!):

Pasta Jewellery
Be prepared: paint gets everywhere (and even on a few pieces of pasta)…

Pasta Jewellery 1Lay your pasta out to dry on pieces of greaseproof (parchment) paper, this might take a while – we left ours overnight.Pasta Jewellery 1Next day sort out your colours (this is a good activity for a two year old) and begin threading:

Pasta Jewellery 1We used a couple of blunt ended needles I use for sewing my ends in.

Pasta Jewellery 1Keep threading…

Pasta Jewellery 1You can make necklaces and bracelets too.

Pasta Jewellery 1Have fun!

Pasta Jewellery 1

Janette xo

4 thoughts on “Colourful pasta jewellery

  1. beberouge says:

    aww I love pasta jewelery I have my very own necklace made with love from B when he was only 3, Isn’t it funny what us mums now treasure I remember the days when diamonds were sought after now pasta necklaces are the best. lol


  2. Neetha says:

    Hello, I just happen to see ur blog… this is the first time reading a blog… All I can say is ur a great crafter and a much greater MOMMY….



  3. Aunt Sue says:

    What kind of paint do you use, I love this idea and will use it for my 3yr old granddaughter when she is staying with me for the first time over night, her mommy in hospital having a baby. Wish me luck


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